The Safe Side: Internet Safety
Character: Danger Dude
Directed by: Douglas Aarniokoski
Written by: Julie Aigner-Clark, Carol Cordova(screenplay)
Produced by: Julie Aigner-Clark, Jason Black, Julie Clark, William Clark, Chris Moore, Rich Peluso, Sebastian Vega
Cast Members: Angela Shelton, John Walsh, Carol Cordova, Connor Cordova, Elen Costa, Zach Brooks, Zo Johnson, Suzanne Gutierrez
Released date: September 26, 2006
Genre: Short, Family
Duration: 29min
Safe Side Superchick comes to the rescue of children as the creators of Baby Einstein bring a new wave of educational films to families. Safe Side Superchick entertains and educates adolescents about "Safe Side Adults". The Safe Side is an entertaining way to teach kids about the dangers of strangers and kidnappings.
Script developed by Never Enough Design